New artificial enzyme breaks down tough, woody lignin

An innovative artificial enzyme has shown it can chew through woody lignin, an abundant carbon-based substance…

Too much self-confidence can endanger health

Older people who overestimate their health go to the doctor less often. This can have serious…

Discovery could lead to better cancer immunotherapy

A type of white blood cell previously known only as a helper in the immune system…

A new arrangement: Using quantum dots to quench the smallest ferrimagnetism

A team of scientists have focused on the Kondo effect on minimal ferrimagnetism and attempted to…

Investigating how marine organism compounds can help human fertility

Zinc-filled oysters are often linked to improved libido and sexual activity, and now scientists at Flinders…

New insights into the movement of pine cone scales

Pine cones open when dry and close when wet. In this way, pine seeds are released…

Women make up only a third of Europe's research staff

European women outnumber men as students on university and postgraduate courses (54%) and as graduates (59%),…

Astronomers detect a new radio source of unknown origin

During radio continuum observations of a spiral galaxy known as NGC 2082, Australian astronomers have discovered…

Media invitation: new details about our Milky Way in the third Gaia data release

Media representatives are invited to join a virtual press event at 13 June 2022 from 10:00…

Long-distance collaboration makes scientific breakthroughs more likely

In an analysis of data for more than ten million research teams, across eleven academic fields…