'Smart saddle' could help equestrians hit their stride

Skilled equestrians make advanced riding maneuvers, like jumps, spins and piaffes, look effortless. But good riding…

The Colors of Water

Much like the sky, rivers are rarely painted one color. Click here for original…

Asteroid 2022 BT flew past Earth at 0.26 LD

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2022 BT flew past Earth at a distance of 0.26 LD /…

PSI’s David Grinspoon Honored as Lifetime AAAS Fellow

PSI’s David Grinspoon Honored as Lifetime AAAS Fellow Click here for original story, PSI’s…

Satellite images show the aftermath of Tonga volcano's eruption

The images show populated areas in the archipelago with heavily damaged or destroyed buildings and homes…

More homicides, fewer supports in Toronto's predominantly Black neighborhoods

Six homicides were recorded in Toronto during the first two weeks of 2022—a statistic that led…

Tonga eruption is one for the record books

The recent violent volcanic eruption on the Pacific island nation of Tonga is believed to be…

High-speed internet led to a decline in civic and political engagement, research shows

The likelihood of people participating in community work declined as high-speed internet was rolled out in…

Missing 'key' could overcome drug discovery barrier

Scientists have found a missing ‘key’ that unlocks critical channels responsible for potassium ions to flow…

Video: Are there oceans on other worlds?

Are there oceans on other worlds? Yes! Earth is not alone. When you look deeper into…