Tech companies banishing extremists after Charlottesville

NEW YORK (AP) -- It took bloodshed in Charlottesville to get tech companies to do what…

Social media harnessed to expose white nationalists at rally

NEW YORK (AP) -- One of the social media posts resembled a wanted poster or a…

Social media harnessed to expose white nationalists at rally

NEW YORK (AP) -- One of the social media posts resembled a wanted poster or a…

Snapchat’s not-growing pains are a boom for Instagram

NEW YORK (AP) -- Facebook once failed to buy Snapchat; ever since, it's tried to copy…

Snapchat’s not-growing pains are a boom for Instagram

NEW YORK (AP) -- Facebook once failed to buy Snapchat; ever since, it's tried to copy…

Snapchat’s not-growing pains are a boom for Instagram

NEW YORK (AP) -- Facebook once failed to buy Snapchat; ever since, it's tried to copy…

Google gender debacle speaks to tech culture wars, politics

NEW YORK (AP) -- The Google engineer who blamed biological differences for the paucity of women…

Google gender debacle speaks to tech culture wars, politics

NEW YORK (AP) -- The Google engineer who blamed biological differences for the paucity of women…

Google CEO slams memo on gender as employee reportedly fired

NEW YORK (AP) -- A memo written by a male engineer at Google about gender differences…

Google CEO slams memo on gender as employee reportedly fired

NEW YORK (AP) -- A memo written by a male engineer at Google about gender differences…