STS-134 Crew Riding to Launch Pad

Space shuttle Endeavour's six astronauts are on their way to NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad…

Astronauts Suiting Up for Launch

The six STS-134 crew members are suiting up for launch in their crew quarters at Kennedy's…

“Ice Team” Inspections and White Room Readiness in Works

Countdown activities continue on schedule as teams at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida prepare for…

Welcome to Launch Day

Space shuttle Endeavour's external tank is fully loaded with more than 500,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen…

External Tank Loading Complete, Weather Remains 70 Percent “Go”

Space shuttle Endeavour’s external tank is fully loaded with more than 500,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen…

Endeavour’s Fueling Begins On Time

Fueling of space shuttle Endeavour’s external fuel tank with more than 500,000 gallons of super cold…

“Go” For Tanking, Weather Still Good For Launch

Launch teams were given the “go” to begin fueling space shuttle Endeavour’s external fuel tank with…

Rotating Service Structure Opens For Launch

The rotating service structure (RSS) on NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A is fully open…

Shuttle MMT Green Lights Continuing Endeavour Countdown

The shuttle Mission Management Team is giving space shuttle Endeavour’s launch team the green light to…

Teams Not Working Any Launch Issues, Post-MMT News Conference at 4 p.m. Eastern

Launch teams at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center are working through the countdown milestones with no issues…