Endeavour’s Launch Countdown Preps Continue

Technicians on Kennedy's Launch Pad 39A carry out the final testing of systems in space shuttle…

Endeavour’s System Pressurization Wraps Up Today

Technicians on Kennedy's Launch Pad 39A wrap up pressurization of space shuttle Endeavour's Orbital Maneuvering System,…

Endeavour’s Launch Preps Continue

Yesterday, NASA managers announced that space shuttle Endeavour is ready to launch next week on its…

It’s a “Go” for Endeavour’s Launch on April 29

NASA managers announced that space shuttle Endeavour is ready to launch next week on its final…

Endeavour’s Launch Officially Set for April 29

Space shuttle Commander Mark Kelly and his five crewmates are scheduled to begin a 14-day mission…

STS-134 Flight Readiness Review Today

NASA managers are meeting at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida today to discuss all aspects…

Endeavour’s Ordnance Installation Scheduled

Technicians at NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A will continue preparations for space shuttle Endeavour's…

Flight Planning Returns to a 14-Day Mission

Space shuttle managers have decided to keep shuttle Endeavour’s STS-134 mission as a 14-day flight and…

Aft Section Closeouts Continue Today

Technicians at NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A will continue closing out space shuttle Endeavour's…

Launch Countdown Preps Begin Today

Technicians at NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A will check the STS-134 crew's extravehicular mobility…