Hominin v monkey deathmatch ended in a draw when they fell down a hole

Fossils suggest that a 3.6-million-year-old early human ancestor called "Little Foot" may have died in a…

Women are finally getting equal access to the Hubble Space Telescope

For years, women were not receiving a fair share of access to the Hubble Space Telescope,…

Women are finally getting equal access to the Hubble Space Telescope

For years, women were not receiving a fair share of access to the Hubble Space Telescope,…

Scuba-diving lizard can stay underwater for at least 16 minutes

The water anole of Costa Rica dives underwater to escape from predators such as birds by…

Scuba-diving lizard can stay underwater for at least 16 minutes

The water anole of Costa Rica dives underwater to escape from predators such as birds by…

There’ll be a domino effect as we trigger ecosystem tipping points

There are lots of interconnected tipping points linking the climate and environment, so drastic changes to…

There’ll be a domino effect as we trigger ecosystem tipping points

There are lots of interconnected tipping points linking the climate and environment, so drastic changes to…

Starchy food may reduce autoimmune reactions in people with lupus

A study in mice shows that certain gut bacteria may exacerbate lupus, but eating starch can…

Starchy food may reduce autoimmune reactions in people with lupus

A study in mice shows that certain gut bacteria may exacerbate lupus, but eating starch can…

Device that works like a lung makes clean fuel from water

A device inspired by human lungs can split water into oxygen and hydrogen. If successfully scaled…