There may be a link between erectile dysfunction and type 2 diabetes

A DNA analysis links type 2 diabetes with erectile dysfunction, hinting that having a healthier lifestyle…

Device that works like a lung makes clean fuel from water

A device inspired by human lungs can split water into oxygen and hydrogen. If successfully scaled…

There may be a link between erectile dysfunction and type 2 diabetes

A DNA analysis links type 2 diabetes with erectile dysfunction, hinting that having a healthier lifestyle…

Ice-filled Martian crater is a permanent winter wonderland

The European Space Agency's Mars Express probe captured this striking view of ice-filled Korolev Crater, near…

Ice-filled Martian crater is a permanent winter wonderland

The European Space Agency's Mars Express probe captured this striking view of ice-filled Korolev Crater, near…

How busting some moves on the dance floor is good for your brain

Whether you do the robot, shake your tail feather or go full ballroom, dancing has benefits…

Rogue drones have brought Gatwick airport to a standstill

Tens of thousands of passengers are unable to travel as drones were spotted flying near Gatwick…

2018’s weirdest stories: Friendly horses, toddler robots and moonmoons

New Scientist has covered some strange scientific findings this year. Here is our round-up of the…

2018’s weirdest stories: Friendly horses, toddler robots and moonmoons

New Scientist has covered some strange scientific findings this year. Here is our round-up of the…

Robot hand that plays Jingle Bells could help us make better limbs

A 3D-printed rigid replica of a human hand can play classic tunes on the piano like…