Exercise may lower high blood pressure as much as medication

An analysis of nearly 400 trials suggests that exercise might be as effective for people with…

The very first dinosaurs probably evolved in South America

Dinosaurs conquered every major landmass, making it difficult to work out where they originally came from…

The very first dinosaurs probably evolved in South America

Dinosaurs conquered every major landmass, making it difficult to work out where they originally came from…

A swarming asexual midge is island hopping towards Antarctica

Biologists say biosecurity measures need to be stepped up to prevent a non-biting midge reaching Antarctica,…

A swarming asexual midge is island hopping towards Antarctica

Biologists say biosecurity measures need to be stepped up to prevent a non-biting midge reaching Antarctica,…

Snake-oil sellers must no longer be able to hide behind charity status

UK regulators are cracking down on charities that promote bogus treatments. But will it be enough,…

How best to talk to your science-denying relatives this Christmas

Trying to change someone's mind is no easy task, but researchers have studied the various pitfalls…

Who do we trust when human and machine intelligence disagree

A faulty sensor – and the automated action it led to – are being blamed for…

Dolphins have best friends but also shun those outside their clique

In a group of dolphins in the Adriatic sea, long-term friendships blossomed, but so did exclusive…

Dolphins have best friends but also shun those outside their clique

In a group of dolphins in the Adriatic sea, long-term friendships blossomed, but so did exclusive…