Our primate ancestors may have originated in Europe or North America

It was thought that the ancestor we share with lemurs, monkeys and apes evolved in Asia,…

Stunning fossils show pterosaurs had primitive feathers like dinosaurs

When dinosaurs ruled the land, pterosaurs occupied the skies. Now we know they had feathers, suggesting…

Stunning fossils show pterosaurs had primitive feathers like dinosaurs

When dinosaurs ruled the land, pterosaurs occupied the skies. Now we know they had feathers, suggesting…

Jellyfish offer a sticky solution to the problem of plastic pollution

Our oceans are full of microplastics and unnatural swarms of jellyfish. Could these beautiful animals possess…

How clever chemistry is making plastic fantastic again

Plastic waste threatens a wide range of ecosystems all over the planet. But innovative ways of…

Coral Whisperers review – How global warming is changing researchers

In the battle to save resources as vital as coral, researchers increasingly face a world where…

Coral Whisperers review – How global warming is changing researchers

In the battle to save resources as vital as coral, researchers increasingly face a world where…

Home Futures review – what living spaces teach us about our culture

From robo-walking cities to living rooms that fold away, the revolutionary ideas on show at London's…

Home Futures review – what living spaces teach us about our culture

From robo-walking cities to living rooms that fold away, the revolutionary ideas on show at London's…

The secret site in England where beavers control the landscape

Two beavers were released at a secret location in Devon, UK in 2011. Now they've completely…