The secret site in England where beavers control the landscape

Two beavers were released at a secret location in Devon, UK in 2011. Now they've completely…

The disorientated ape: Why clever people can be terrible navigators

The human sense of direction is extraordinarily variable. Now we know why some people are so…

Coal power emissions in the US are even higher than we thought

The carbon emissions from lugging coal around can be much higher than thought - up to…

Coal power emissions in the US are even higher than we thought

The carbon emissions from lugging coal around can be much higher than thought - up to…

Incredible shrinking 3D printer can make really tiny objects

A method for 3D printing minuscule objects produces them at a larger size and then shrinks…

Incredible shrinking 3D printer can make really tiny objects

A method for 3D printing minuscule objects produces them at a larger size and then shrinks…

Incredible shrinking 3D printer can make really tiny objects

A method for 3D printing minuscule objects produces them at a larger size and then shrinks…

Can a Green New Deal boost the US economy and save the planet?

Politicians like the newly-elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are now taking climate change seriously, but even an ambitious…

Can a Green New Deal boost the US economy and save the planet?

Politicians like the newly-elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are now taking climate change seriously, but even an ambitious…

Climate change is happening, but how fast? This is what we really know

From past temperature change to future sea level rise, climate science is full of conflicting numbers.…