Extinct ‘Denisovan’ people may have lived on Earth’s highest plateau

The Tibetan Plateau is a tough environment so we thought humans arrived only about 12,000 years…

Stone tools hint that our first human ancestors lived all over Africa

We thought the first Homo species evolved in East Africa 2.8 million years ago, but stone…

Some spiders produce milk – and it’s more nutritious than cow’s milk

One species of spider seems to have worked out how to recycle unused eggs into a…

Prehistoric whales used to simply suck their food out of the ocean

A 33-million-year-old-fossil suggests some whales evolved baleens for filter feeding only after losing their teeth, so…

Prehistoric whales used to simply suck their food out of the ocean

A 33-million-year-old-fossil suggests some whales evolved baleens for filter feeding only after losing their teeth, so…

‘Scientists are now very sure that the babies really were gene-edited’

He Jiankui has now presented his controversial work at a gene editing summit in Hong Kong.…

Particles crossing to our world could open portal to dark-matter realm

We've identified particles that could secretly cross from the regular world to the shadowy realm of…

Gene therapy eases Parkinson’s symptoms by rewiring parts of the brain

A gene therapy treatment for Parkinson's blocks faulty brain circuits. This seems to help create alternate…

Green Christmas: How to have an ethical and guilt-free festive season

If you celebrate Christmas, it doesn't have to be a feast of rampant consumerism and devastating…

Green Christmas: How to have an ethical and guilt-free festive season

If you celebrate Christmas, it doesn't have to be a feast of rampant consumerism and devastating…