Tight underwear really is linked to lower sperm counts in men

Men who wear boxer shorts have higher sperm levels than men who wear tight underwear, although the…

Tight underwear really is linked to lower sperm counts in men

Men who wear boxer shorts have higher sperm levels than men who wear tight underwear, although the…

Inducing labour at 39 weeks leads to fewer emergency Caesareans

It has been thought that inducing labour leads to more C-sections, but a study of over…

Inducing labour at 39 weeks leads to fewer emergency Caesareans

It has been thought that inducing labour leads to more C-sections, but a study of over…

‘Hey’: short messages are the best dating site strategy, study says

  An analysis of online dating has found most users hit on people who are 25…

‘Hey’: short messages are the best dating site strategy, study says

  An analysis of online dating has found most users hit on people who are 25…

Police can now track killers using relatives’ DNA – but should they?

Genetic genealogy services are rapidly become a key source of forensic evidence, but do we really…

Ecstasy-like drugs might relieve social difficulties in autism

Mouse studies hint that social difficulties in autism might be caused by faulty serotonin signalling in…

Ecstasy-like drugs might relieve social difficulties in autism

Mouse studies hint that social difficulties in autism might be caused by faulty serotonin signalling in…

Don’t give up, we can survive even a Hothouse Earth

Bad news on the climate should lead neither to despair nor unfounded optimism. Instead, we need…