Neutron stars bend light so much we see their front and back at once

Ultra-compact neutron stars are so dense that the light bends around from the far side, making…

Neutron stars bend light so much we see their front and back at once

Ultra-compact neutron stars are so dense that the light bends around from the far side, making…

Sound waves are a form of antigravity because they have negative mass

As sound waves travel, they float upwards away from the pull of gravity. That’s because they…

Sound waves are a form of antigravity because they have negative mass

As sound waves travel, they float upwards away from the pull of gravity. That’s because they…

Future heatwaves will knock nuclear, gas and coal power plants offline

Power plants are shutting down in the northern hemisphere due to a lack of cool water,…

Future heatwaves will knock nuclear, gas and coal power plants offline

Power plants are shutting down in the northern hemisphere due to a lack of cool water,…

New Scientist Live: dogs and people, a 40,000-year love story

In London this September, Juliane Kaminski will be arguing that dogs have spent so long living…

New Scientist Live: dogs and people, a 40,000-year love story

In London this September, Juliane Kaminski will be arguing that dogs have spent so long living…

Exploring the Future webinar

Join our panel of experts discussing the emerging technologies that are set to change our lives by 2030

Exploring the Future webinar

Join our panel of experts discussing the emerging technologies that are set to change our lives by 2030