A skin test after a traumatic event may identify those at risk of PTSD

A simple skin test appears to predict those most at risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder…

Vaguer goals may help you stick to your new exercise routine

If you’re thinking of taking up a new pursuit, vague, open goals may be better to…

Vaguer goals may help you stick to your new exercise routine

If you’re thinking of taking up a new pursuit, vague, open goals may be better to…

The mummified penguins that hold the secrets of Antarctica’s past

Antarctica’s Adélie penguins nest on the well-preserved remains of their ancestors. All it takes is a…

2019 Preview: Experimental vaccine could let coeliacs eat gluten

A vaccine that teaches a person's immune system to see gluten as harmless could enable some…

The animal economists that can wheel and deal as well as any human

From monkey markets to fishy business, we’re finding that many animals make rational trades. Even brainless…

2019 Preview: Gravitational waves will be discovered every few weeks

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and other experiments will detect dozens more ripples in space…

Nature’s Nation: Art benefits from getting its hands dirty

Forty-eight years on from the first Earth Day, the 5th article in our 12 Days of…

Nature’s Nation: Art benefits from getting its hands dirty

Forty-eight years on from the first Earth Day, the 5th article in our 12 Days of…

Death rays: How the dream of an ultimate weapon became a dark farce

The quest for the ultimate destructive weapon is a convoluted story of egos, charlatanry and deception…