Restoring native plants ‘boosts pollination’

Removing invasive exotic plants from natural areas can act as a boost for wildlife, a study…

Scientists find ‘oldest human ancestor’

Researchers have discovered the earliest known ancestor of humans - along with a vast range of…

Shark-inspired drug may help treat fibrosis, researchers say

Australian researchers hope an antibody found in sharks may help treat an incurable lung disease.

UK ‘need not fear electricity blackouts’ says ex-National Grid boss

The man who ran National Grid for a decade says news stories raising blackout fears should…

Amazon Reef: First images of new coral system

Huge coral system reef where the Amazon River meets the Atlantic Ocean was discovered last year.

Researchers seek evidence on gardens and well-being

A project aims to investigate the social case for gardens and what impact they have on…

New mercury threat to oceans from climate change

Rising temperatures could boost mercury levels in fish by up to seven times the current rates,…

Seeds offer clue to domesticated plants’ larger size

The seeds of domesticated plants could offer clues as to why cultivated crops are larger than…

Australia’s ‘fairy possum’ faces uncertain future

A tiny possum, an emblem of the state of Victoria in Australia, is rapidly heading towards…

Claim made for hydrogen ‘wonder material’

US scientists draw controversy as they claim to have fulfilled the decades-long quest to turn hydrogen…