Gene Cernan, last man to walk on Moon, dies aged 82

US astronaut Gene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, has died, his family and Nasa announce.

Venus wave may be Solar System’s biggest

A giant wave in the atmosphere of Venus may be the biggest of its kind in…

Trump team moving away from supporters on climate science

The incoming Trump administration accepts far more of the research on climate change than many of…

Ice crack to put UK Antarctic base in shut-down

The British Antarctic Survey is pulling all staff out of the space-age Halley base in March…

Battery with inbuilt ‘fire extinguisher’ developed

Flames from an exploding battery were put out in less than half a second during tests.

Prince Charles co-authors Ladybird climate change book

Prince Charles co-authors a book for adults in the style of the well-known children's series.

SpaceX rocket successfully takes off

SpaceX successfully launches a rocket, its first mission since an explosion in September.

SpaceX returns to flight with Falcon 9 rocket launch

The US SpaceX rocket company resumes operations after a launch pad explosion in September.

Alien bird risk from pet trade

The trade in caged birds poses a risk to native species if birds manage to escape,…

Whale menopause mystery solved

By studying the long lives of killer whale families, researchers say they have solved the evolutionary…