‘Smart boulders’ record huge underwater avalanche

Scientists have had a remarkable close-up encounter with a gigantic underwater avalanche off the coast of…

Spy satellites reveal Himalayan melt

Scientists have used images taken by Cold War spy satellites to reveal the dramatic environmental changes…

‘Dead or alive’ cat in physics top 10

The detection of ripples in space-time and the famous Schrödinger's Cat paradox feature in a list…

Team hunts tracer of ‘dinosaur killer’ asteroid

Scientists say they have a clue that may enable them to find traces of the asteroid…

Black hole ‘swallowed star’, say Queen’s astronomers

A star was 'swallowed' after it passed too close to a black hole, say Queen's University…

World’s largest reindeer herd plummets

The world's largest wild reindeer herd has fallen by 40% since 2000, scientists have warned.

Viral virus

British researchers are using social media to track the spread of norovirus.

Sir David Attenborough’s epic sign off

Watch David Attenborough's epic sign off as the acclaimed Planet Earth II came to its conclusion…

Brain tests predict children’s futures

Brain tests at the age of three appear to predict a child's future success in life,…

Ice loss spreads up Antarctic glaciers

The scale and pace of change now taking place in West Antarctica is captured in a…