Methane surge needs ‘urgent attention’

Scientists say they are concerned at the rapid rate at which methane is gathering in the…

Squid may become favourite UK meal as seas become warmer.

Squid may end up on the British plate in place of old favourites such as cod…

To boldly go

The BBC meets three Indian female scientists who prove that rocket science is not a male…

Starry starry nights

Stunning photographs of starry nights over South East Asia

Urban beekeeping creating a buzz

With concern about the decline of bees in the UK, the University of London has created…

Sloths can swim

A look back at the things we learned from David Attenborough's latest BBC One series Planet…

Doctors call for ban on diesel engines in London

A campaign led by medical professionals is calling for all diesel cars to be banned from…

Cryogenic storage offers hope for renewable energy

The world's largest cold energy storage plant, which can act like a giant battery for renewable…

Japan ISS Kounotori: Spacecraft launched to try to clear space junk

Japan launches a cargo ship equipped with a half-mile long magnetic tether to clear space junk.

Japan tests innovative magnetic tether for slowing space junk

Japan launches a cargo ship carrying a space junk collector designed to gather debris in space.