Trump picks climate sceptic Pruitt for environment chief

Donald Trump picks an outspoken critic of Obama climate policies to head the environment body.

Fire ants could become Australia’s worst pest, report warns

Red fire ants could wreak more damage than rabbits, cane toads and foxes combined, experts warn.

Giraffes facing ‘silent extinction’ as population plunges

A dramatic drop in the giraffe population over the past 30 years leaves them vulnerable to…

DNA clue to how humans evolved big brains

Humans may in part owe their big brains to a DNA "typo" in their genetic code,…

Siberia sky lit up by meteor

People in west Siberia have captured footage of what is believed to be a small meteorite.

Jumping robot inspired by bush babies

Scientists in the US have unveiled an athletic robot which takes its inspiration from bush babies.

Numbers game

For a second day, Paris is cutting car numbers according to odd or even licence plates.…

First photos from Cassini’s new orbit

The Cassini spacecraft has sent back the first views from its new orbit around Saturn.

‘Keep poultry inside’ amid bird flu risk, keepers told

Poultry keepers have been told to keep their birds inside to protect them from avian flu…

Do smoke-free stoves really save lives?

Research has cast doubt on a UN-backed project to reduce pollution-induced illness in the world's poorest…