Dazzling egg fossils crack open secrets of ancient flying reptiles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A dazzling discovery in northwestern China of hundreds of fossilized pterosaur eggs is…

U.S. scientists take step toward creating artificial life

CHICAGO (Reuters) - In a major step toward creating artificial life, U.S. researchers have developed a…

U.S. scientists take step toward creating artificial life

CHICAGO (Reuters) - In a major step toward creating artificial life, U.S. researchers have developed a…

Walking the dog? Motion monitor to aid actors playing pooches

BATH, England (Reuters) - From a poodle's strut to a basset hound's lolloping gait, scientists plan…

Walking the dog? Motion monitor to aid actors playing pooches

BATH, England (Reuters) - From a poodle's strut to a basset hound's lolloping gait, scientists plan…

Abominable news: Purported yeti evidence came from bears, dog

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For fans of the yeti, newly published genetic research on purported specimens of…

Abominable news: Purported yeti evidence came from bears, dog

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For fans of the yeti, newly published genetic research on purported specimens of…

Russia says cannot make contact with new space satellite

VOSTOCHNY COSMODROME, Russia (Reuters) - Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Tuesday it had failed to…

Russia says cannot make contact with new space satellite

VOSTOCHNY COSMODROME, Russia (Reuters) - Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Tuesday it had failed to…

Rocket maker SpaceX raises another $100 million

(Reuters) - Elon Musk-led SpaceX has raised $100 million by selling shares, in an extension to…