Rocket maker SpaceX raises another $100 million

(Reuters) - Elon Musk-led SpaceX has raised $100 million by selling shares, in an extension to…

The future looks bright: light pollution rises on a global scale

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The world is getting brighter, but scientists say that may not be a…

The future looks bright: light pollution rises on a global scale

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The world is getting brighter, but scientists say that may not be a…

Scientists solve the mystery of America’s scuba-diving fly

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A small fly that thrives at an inhospitable California lake east of Yosemite…

Scientists solve the mystery of America’s scuba-diving fly

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A small fly that thrives at an inhospitable California lake east of Yosemite…

U.S. approves digital pill that tracks when patients take it

(Reuters) - U.S. regulators have approved the first digital pill with an embedded sensor to track…

U.S. approves digital pill that tracks when patients take it

(Reuters) - U.S. regulators have approved the first digital pill with an embedded sensor to track…

Drinking age: oldest evidence of wine-making found near Tbilisi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Oenophiles take note: 5980 BC was a very good year for wine.

Drinking age: oldest evidence of wine-making found near Tbilisi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Oenophiles take note: 5980 BC was a very good year for wine.

Wounds sustained at night heal twice as slowly, scientists find

LONDON (Reuters) - Body clocks cause wounds such as cuts and burns sustained during the day…