Moon’s explosive birth drove iron deep into Earth’s core

Our moon was made by the Big Splash, an impact that we thought left iron deposits…

Weird tiny galaxies found hiding in Hubble’s Ultra Deep Field

We just found 72 new galaxies in one of the most studied areas of the sky.…

The usual way of hunting dark matter may be all wrong

If dark matter isn't heavy and interacts even weakly with normal matter, we should drag our…

No, aliens aren’t lurking on the International Space Station

History tells us that earthly contamination is by far the most likely explanation for “extraterrestrial” bacteria…

No, aliens aren’t lurking on the International Space Station

History tells us that earthly contamination is by far the most likely explanation for “extraterrestrial” bacteria…

Cuts likely for one of NASA’s next big space-based telescopes

NASA’s Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope is crippled by rising costs. To get it off the…

Weird tiny galaxies found hiding in Hubble’s Ultra Deep Field

We just found 72 new galaxies in one of the most studied areas of the sky.…

Giant climate camera will watch how our planet changes

The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite will take pictures of Earth to measure the temperatures of…

Mysterious gamma rays in Crab nebula traced to pulsar winds

Ultra-bright flashes in the Crab nebula have baffled astronomers, but they could result from winds created…

Mysterious gamma rays in Crab nebula traced to pulsar winds

Ultra-bright flashes in the Crab nebula have baffled astronomers, but they could result from winds created…