That interstellar asteroid could be a shard of a shredded planet

'Oumuamua, an oddly shaped asteroid from beyond our solar system, recently passed by. It may have…

That interstellar asteroid could be a shard of a shredded planet

'Oumuamua, an oddly shaped asteroid from beyond our solar system, recently passed by. It may have…

Bizarre supernova may be powered by hidden disc of dust and gas

A supernova that stayed bright for over three years seemed impossible, but it could be explained…

Bizarre supernova may be powered by hidden disc of dust and gas

A supernova that stayed bright for over three years seemed impossible, but it could be explained…

Most distant quasar ever seen is way too big for our universe

A quasar from the early universe could help us understand how the biggest black holes form…

NASA fires Voyager 1’s engines for the first time in 37 years

By firing a set of thrusters that have been gathering dust for more than 3 decades,…

Most distant quasar ever seen is way too big for our universe

A quasar from the early universe could help us understand how the biggest black holes form…

Why brewing beer in space is more important than you think

Budweiser is sending barley seeds into orbit next week. That's just the beginning of the challenge…

Why brewing beer in space is more important than you think

Budweiser is sending barley seeds into orbit next week. That's just the beginning of the challenge…

The usual way of hunting dark matter may be all wrong

If dark matter isn't heavy and interacts even weakly with normal matter, we should drag our…