Will Wide Binaries Be the End of MOND?

It’s a fact that many of us have churned out during public engagement events; that at…

Europa Clipper Could Help Discover if Jupiter’s Moon is Habitable

Since 1979, when the Voyager probes flew past Jupiter and its system of moons, scientists have…

NASA’s Interstellar Mapping Probe Prepares for a 2025 Launch

Engineers at NASA have completed an important milestone in developing the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe…

Does Betelgeuse Even Rotate? Maybe Not

Betelgeuse is the well known red giant star in the corner of Orion the hunter. The…

Yale-led study reveals orbital tilt in pristine solar systems as common phenomenon

A new study spearheaded by Yale astronomer Malena Rice and published in The Astronomical Journal has…

Eris Could be Slushier Than Pluto

In 2005, astronomer Mike Brown and his colleagues Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz announced the discovery…

A Planetary System With Six Sub-Neptunes Locked in Perfect Resonance

A team of researchers led by University of Chicago astronomer Rafael Luque analyzed data acquired by…

After Stalling Out for 40 Years, the Largest Iceberg in the World is on the Move

In 1986, a gigantic iceberg separated from the Fichner-Ronne ice shelf in West Antarctica. It was…

Europe is Working on a Multi-Purpose Habitat for the Moon

With NASA gearing up to send humans back to the Moon in the next few years…

Should We Send Humans to Europa?

Universe Today recently examined the potential for sending humans to the planet Venus despite its extremely…