New findings may contribute to better diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer

In a new study, researchers have identified the presence of a specific connection between a protein…

Clothes dryers are an underappreciated source of airborne microfibers

No one likes when their favorite clothes develop holes or unravel after many laundry cycles. But…

Tomato concentrate could help reduce chronic intestinal inflammation associated with HIV

New research in mice suggests that adding a certain type of tomato concentrate to the diet…

Possibility of vaccine to prevent skin cancer

Research suggests that a vaccine stimulating production of a protein critical to the skin’s antioxidant network…

Decoding inner language to treat speech disorders

What if it were possible to decode the internal language of individuals deprived of the ability…

New treasure trove of globular clusters holds clues about galaxy evolution

Using observations of Centaurus A, a nearby elliptical galaxy, obtained with the Gaia space telescope and…

Molecular paddlewheels propel sodium ions through next-generation batteries

Materials scientists have revealed paddlewheel-like molecular dynamics that help push sodium ions through a quickly evolving…

Common household cleaner can boost effort to harvest fusion energy on Earth

Path-setting findings demonstrate for the first time a novel regime for confining heat in stellarators. The…

Alcohol consumption is affected by a protein linked to the circadian rhythm

Researchers announce that the presence of the Bmal1 gene in the striatum affects alcohol consumption in…

Researchers determine nutritional properties of protein in cricket, locust and silkworm pupae insect powders

Animal farming has traditionally fulfilled human nutritional requirements for protein, but insects may serve as an…