Why Don’t We See Robotic Civilizations Rapidly Expanding Across the Universe?

In 1950, while sitting down to lunch with colleagues at the Los Alamos Laboratory, famed physicist…

The Second Most Energetic Cosmic Ray Ever Found

“Oh My God,” someone must have said in 1991 when researchers detected the most energetic cosmic…

If Warp Drives are Impossible, Maybe Faster Than Light Communication is Still on the Table?

I’m sure many readers of Universe Today are like me, fans of the science fiction genre.…

For its Next Trick, Gaia Could Help Detect Background Gravitational Waves in the Universe

Ripples in a pond can be captivating on a nice sunny day as can ripples in…

Simulating a Piece of Space Junk

When a spacecraft dies, it loses the ability to maintain its direction in space. Additionally, as…

Vampire Stars Get Help from a Third Star to Feed

Some stars are stuck in bad binary relationships. A massive primary star feeds on its smaller…

Aerocapture is a Free Lunch in Space Exploration

When spacecraft return to Earth, they don’t need to shed all their velocity by firing retro-rockets.…

JWST Reveals Protoplanetary Disks in a Nearby Star Cluster

The Orion Nebula is a favourite among stargazers, certainly one of mine. It’s a giant stellar…

Apollo Samples Contain Hydrogen Hurled from the Sun

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, men should drink 3.7litres of…

Next Generation Space Telescopes Could Use Deformable Mirrors to Image Earth-Sized Worlds

Observing distant objects is no easy task, thanks to our planet’s thick and fluffy atmosphere. As…