Plants as cold specialists from the ice age

Plants of the spoonweed group time-and-again quickly adapted to a changing climate during the Ice Ages…

Swinging on the quantum level

For many applications making use of quantum effects, the light has to be in a certain…

Extinct reptile discovery reveals earliest origins of human teeth, study finds

A new extinct reptile species has shed light on how our earliest ancestors became top predators…

An ancient relative of Velociraptor is unearthed in Great Britain

A new bird-like dinosaur that used brute strength to overcome its prey has been found by…

IT security: Computer attacks with laser light

Computer systems that are physically isolated from the outside world (air-gapped) can still be attacked. This…

PTS wins major contract within the further development of Ariane 6

PTS wins major contract within the further development of Ariane 6 Click here for…

Detergent, Skin Bioprinter Launch on NASA’s SpaceX Resupply Mission

Detergent, Skin Bioprinter Launch on NASA’s SpaceX Resupply Mission Click here for original story,…

SpaceX reports LA County's highest number of workplace COVID-19 cases

New data shows the Elon Musk-led company currently accounts for nearly 30% of workplace COVID-19 cases…

NASA Selects 9 Space Technologies for Commercial Suborbital Flight Tests

NASA Selects 9 Space Technologies for Commercial Suborbital Flight Tests Click here for original…

Watch Live: CRS-24 Mission

Watch Live: CRS-24 Mission Click here for original story, Watch Live: CRS-24 Mission …