New neural circuits discovered that regulate spatial learning and memory in the brain’s hippocampal formation

A research team has discovered new neural circuits that regulate spatial learning and memory in the…

Researchers develop optical biopsy system that detects liver cancer

Researchers have developed an optical biopsy system that can distinguish between cancerous and healthy liver tissue.…

Astronomers identify potential clue to reinonization of universe

Astronomers have identified a potential clue to how the universe became reionized after the Big Bang.…

Unexpected benefits from food competitors

A research team has found that gravid tobacco hawkmoths (Manduca sexta) show an unusual preference for…

Ocean physics explain cyclones on Jupiter

Images from NASA’s June Spacecraft have given oceanographers the raw materials for a new study that…

Pheasants lose their cool after fighting

Pheasants’ heads cool rapidly as they prepare to fight — then heat up afterwards, new research…

Fewer than 1 in 5 adults with Type 2 diabetes in the U.S. are meeting optimal heart health targets

Fewer than 1 in 5 adults with Type 2 diabetes in the U.S. meet suggested targets…

Cancer therapy using on-site synthesis of anticancer drugs

Researchers have successfully treated cancer in mice using metal catalysts that assemble anticancer drugs together inside…

Unraveling the complexity of vitamin B12 diseases

Researchers unravel the genetic complexity two rare inherited vitamin B12 conditions identifying them as hybrid syndromes…

Medieval warhorses were surprisingly small in stature

Medieval warhorses are often depicted as massive and powerful beasts, but in reality many were no…