Need to Map an Iceberg in a Hundredth of a Second? Ask a Computer

Satellites really are quite a wonder.  They can help forecast the weather, track climate change and…

The Origins of the Black Hole Information Paradox

While physics tells us that information can neither be created nor destroyed (if information could be…

An old star with ring-like structure: ALMA demonstrates highest resolution yet

ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) has demonstrated the highest resolution yet with observations of an old…

Multiple evolutionary trajectories in aquatic crocodiles

In the geological past, several groups of crocodiles evolved towards a morphology adapted to marine life.…

Nanoparticles for optimized cancer therapy

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest types of cancers in humans. It is the fourth…

Riddle of Kondo effect solved in ultimately thin wires

A research team has now directly measured the so-called Kondo effect, which governs the behavior of…

Surveilling wetlands for infectious bird flu — and finding it

Recently, morning omelets and holiday dinners have gotten more expensive. One likely cause is bird flu,…

Climate engineering could slow Antarctic ice loss

A study reports that scattering sunlight-reflecting particles in the atmosphere — a theoretical form of climate…

Scientists 3D-print hair follicles in lab-grown skin

Scientists have 3D-printed hair follicles in human skin tissue cultured in the lab. This marks the…

Printed robots with bones, ligaments, and tendons

For the first time, researchers have succeeded in printing a robotic hand with bones, ligaments and…