Superdeep diamonds provide a window on supercontinent growth

Diamonds contain evidence of the mantle rocks that helped buoy and grow the ancient supercontinent Gondwana…

People who communicate more, show expertise are more likely to be seen as essential team members

A new study sheds light on the vital role of communication and expertise within organizations, revealing…

Researchers probe molten rock to crack Earth's deepest secrets

An international team re-created molten rock conditions deep within the Earth and measured the spin states of…

Discovery finds ferns produce crop-saving insecticide

Researchers have solved the structure of a novel insecticidal protein that is effective in protecting major…

Researchers probe how a piece of the moon became a near-Earth asteroid

Two years after the striking discovery that a near-Earth asteroid could be a chunk of the…

Climate is increasing risk of high toxin concentrations in Northern US lakes

As climate change warms the Earth, higher-latitude regions will be at greater risk for toxins produced…

Plant-based materials give 'life' to tiny soft robots

A team of researchers has created smart, advanced materials that will be the building blocks for…

Simulating cold sensation without actual cooling

The perception of persistent thermal sensations, such as changes in temperature, tends to gradually diminish in…

Adaptive optical neural network connects thousands of artificial neurons

Physicists working with computer specialists have developed a so-called event-based architecture, using photonic processors. In a…

Unexpected behavior discovered in active particles

Physicists have now shown that, depending on the extent to which the propulsion speed of active…