Specialized T cells may trigger severe asthma attacks in older men

Scientists have uncovered a group of immune cells that may drive severe asthma. These cells gather…

Heated yoga may reduce depression symptoms, according to recent clinical trial

In a randomized controlled clinical trial of adults with moderate-to-severe depression, those who participated in heated…

Chemists, engineers craft adjustable arrays of microscopic lenses

A team has created minuscule lenses that it can expand or contract in mere seconds —…

The Moon is 40 million years older than previously thought

By analyzing tiny lunar crystals gathered by Apollo 17 astronauts in 1972, researchers recalculated the age…

New study reveals role of hippocampus in two functions of memory

For the first time, a new study in rats teases apart the role of the hippocampus…

Mummified mice discovered atop sky-high Andean volcanoes

Scientists have uncovered 13 mummified cadavers of mice from the summits of Andean volcanoes that stretch nearly 4 miles above…

Researchers develop DANGER analysis tool for the safer design of gene editing

A team of researchers has developed a software tool that provides a way for the safer…

Increased West Antarctic Ice Sheet melting 'unavoidable'

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet will continue to increase its rate of melting over the rest…

New study shows surprising effects of fire in North America's boreal forests

Using satellite images, researchers found that fires in North America’s boreal forest may be changing the…

Asteroid Polyhymnia’s density beyond known elements

A groundbreaking study by the University of Arizona reveals that asteroid Polyhymnia has a density exceeding…