New extremes in stratospheric water vapor

The focus of new research was to determine how deep, how much and how frequently water…

Imprinted genes in the 'parenting hub' of the brain determine if mice are good parents

Whether a mouse is a good or bad parent can be traced back to imprinted genes…

Holy bat skull! Fossil adds vital piece to bat evolution puzzle

Bats may have lived in caves and used soundwaves to navigate much earlier than first thought. …

Red meat consumption associated with increased type 2 diabetes risk

People who eat just two servings of red meat per week may have an increased risk…

Restoring the function of a human cell surface protein in yeast cells

Yeast cells are widely used to study G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), a large group of cell…

NUS scientists develop innovative magnetic gel that heals diabetic wounds three times faster

A team of researchers hasĀ engineered an innovative magnetic wound-healing gel that promises to heal diabetic wounds…

Black holes could come in 'perfect pairs' in an ever expanding Universe

Researchers have shown it’s theoretically possible for black holes to exist in perfectly balanced pairs —…

A miniature magnetic resonance imager made of diamond

The development of tumors begins with miniscule changes within the body’s cells; ion diffusion at the…

Two probiotics identified as promising hypertension treatments

New findings point to 2 additional probiotics as potential treatments for high blood pressure. …

'I'd rather not know': Why we choose ignorance

When given the choice to learn how their actions will affect someone else, 40% of people…