Whaling wiped out far more fin whales than previously thought

Whaling in the 20th century destroyed 99% of the Eastern North Pacific fin whale breeding population.…

Human Lung Chip leveraged to faithfully model radiation-induced lung injury

Researchers have developed a human in vitro model that closely mimics the complexities of radiation-induced lung injury (RILI)…

Researchers test seafloor fiber optic cable as an earthquake early warning system

One of the biggest challenges for earthquake early warning systems (EEW) is the lack of seismic…

Mitochondrial protein plays key role in glioblastoma and therapeutic resistance

Glioblastoma is the most common type of brain tumor that affects adults and, unfortunately, still remains…

Orchid without bumblebee on island finds wasp, loses self

Because the bumblebee that an orchid relies on for pollination does not exist on a remote…

Adults with ADHD are at increased risk for developing dementia

Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are nearly three times more likely to develop dementia than adults…

New recipe for efficient, environmentally friendly battery recycling

Researchers are now presenting a new and efficient way to recycle metals from spent electric car…

Smarter CT scans may approach the level of MRI

In certain cases, a new method can provide as much information from brain images taken with…

New study reveals similarities between chimpanzee and human language development

Scientists  examining the evolutionary roots of language say they’ve discovered chimp vocal development is not far…

Art with DNA — Digitally creating 16 million colors by chemistry

The DNA double helix is composed of two DNA molecules whose sequences are complementary to each…