Signatures of the Space Age: Spacecraft metals left in the wake of humanity's path to the stars

Using tools hitched to the nose cone of their research planes and sampling more than 11…

Parents of elementary-aged children may engage in more helicopter parenting than they think

While most parents agree that kids benefit from opportunities to be independent, they may be engaging…

Neutrons see stress in 3D-printed parts, advancing additive manufacturing

Using neutrons to see the additive manufacturing process at the atomic level, scientists have shown that…

Solar design would harness 40% of the sun's heat to produce clean hydrogen fuel

Engineers have designed a system that can efficiently produce ‘solar thermochemical hydrogen.’ It harnesses the sun’s…

Fungal infection in the brain produces changes like those seen in Alzheimer's disease

Researchers have discovered how the fungus Candida albicans enters the brain, activates two separate mechanisms in…

Can't stop binging on fries and BBQ?

People overeat and become overweight for a variety of reasons. The fact that flavorful high-calorie food…

New threat to Antarctic fur seals

Populations of charismatic animals have recovered since hunting ban but now struggle to find enough food. …

Forensic evidence can survive underwater for weeks

Forensic fibers can survive underwater for much longer than previously thought — which could help criminal…

New study confirms presence of flesh-eating and illness-causing bacteria in Florida's coastal waters following Hurricane Ian

When Hurricane Ian struck southwest Florida in September 2022, it unleashed a variety of Vibrio bacteria that can…

New biomarker predicts whether neurons will regenerate

Researchers have identified a new biomarker that can predict whether or not neurons will regenerate after…