Fathers' parental leave might protect men against alcohol-related morbidity

Men who have been on parental leave have a significantly reduced risk of being hospitalized due…

Astronomers discover first step toward planet formation

Astronomers have gotten very good at spotting the signs of planet formation around stars. But for…

Scientists discover 'long colds' may exist, as well as long Covid

A new study has found that people may experience long-term symptoms — or ‘long colds’ —…

Deciphering the intensity of past ocean currents

Ocean currents determine the structure of the deep-sea ocean floor and the transport of sediments, organic…

How bacteria can organize themselves

Structural patterns can be created due to the chasing interactions between two bacterial species. In a…

Ginger pigment molecules found in fossil frogs

Palaeontologists discover molecular evidence of phaeomelanin, the pigment that produces ginger coloration. Phaeomelanin is now toxic to…

Thalamus regulates adaptability of the adult brain

It is generally believed that the adaptability of the adult brain mainly takes place in the…

How male mosquitoes compensate for having only one X chromosome

Researchers have discovered the master regulator responsible for balancing the expression of X chromosome genes between…

Climate change brings earlier arrival of intense hurricanes

New research has revealed that since the 1980s, Category 4 and 5 hurricanes (maximum wind speed…

Natural GM crops: Grasses take evolutionary shortcut by borrowing genes from their neighbors

Grass may transfer genes from their neighbors in the same way genetically modified crops are made,…