Wildfire, soil emissions increasing air pollution in remote forests

Nitrogen dioxide levels in remote forest areas are increasing, and wildfire and soil emissions are likely…

Can an artificial kidney finally free patients from dialysis?

Scientists are working on a new approach to treating kidney failure that could one day free…

Common origin behind major childhood allergies

Several major childhood allergies may all stem from the community of bacteria living in our gut,…

Your genes influence whether depression leads to other diseases

A new study shows that people suffering from hospital-treated depression may have a high risk of…

Drug that targets scar-like tissue in tumors shows promise for aggressive pancreatic cancer

Early laboratory results in mice show the drug PXS-5505 increases survival when combined with chemotherapy in…

Quantum discovery offers glimpse into other-worldly realm

Experiments promote a curious flipside of decaying monopoles: A reality where particle physics is quite literally…

Titanium micro-spikes skewer resistant superbugs

A new study suggests rough surfaces inspired by the bacteria-killing spikes on insect wings may be…

New and improved bioink to enhance 3D bioprinted skeletal muscle constructs

Scientists have developed a specially formulated bioink, which contains microparticles engineered for sustained delivery of insulin-like…

New species of marine bacteria isolated from a deep-sea cold seep

Researchers have isolated a new strain of marine bacteria with unique characteristics from the ocean seabed. …

Replacing saturated fat and salt with herbs/spices is both tasty and healthy

In response to the low-fat craze of the 1990s, many food companies removed saturated fats from…