Hurricanes pack a bigger punch for Florida's west coast

Hurricanes, the United States’ deadliest and most destructive weather disasters, are notoriously difficult to predict. With…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 27 October 2020

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 27 October 2020 Click here for…

NASA HEOMD: Postdoctoral Fellows Needed to Safeguard Astronaut Health and Performance on the Way to Mars

NASA HEOMD: Postdoctoral Fellows Needed to Safeguard Astronaut Health and Performance on the Way to Mars …

NASA ROSES-20 Amendment 64: Release of Final text of E.8 Supplemental Open Source Software Awards

NASA ROSES-20 Amendment 64: Release of Final text of E.8 Supplemental Open Source Software Awards …

Starburst Announces Allied Defence Accelerator Finalists Chosen for International Space Pitch Day

Starburst Announces Allied Defence Accelerator Finalists Chosen for International Space Pitch Day Click here…

Australian scientists discover 500-meter-tall coral reef in the Great Barrier Reef

Scientists have discovered a massive detached coral reef in the Great Barrier Reef, measuring more than…

The sweet spot of flagellar assembly

To build the machinery that enables bacteria to swim the flagellum is assembled piece by piece,…

Post-wildfire hazards: Toward an understanding of when and how slope failure may occur

Across the western US, severe wildfires fueled by tinder-dry vegetation have already burned more than 3.2…

Scientists map structure of potent antibody against coronavirus

Scientists have shown that a potent antibody from a COVID-19 survivor interferes with a key feature…

Beaches can survive sea-level rises as long as they have space to move

An international team of coastal scientists has dismissed suggestions that half the world’s beaches could become…