Overlooked molecular machine in cell nucleus may hold key to treating aggressive leukemia

Many people fighting a very aggressive form of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) don’t survive more than…

How slippery surfaces allow sticky pastes and gels to slide

A research team that has already conquered the problem of getting ketchup out of its bottle…

Working out makes hydrogels perform more like muscle

Human skeletal muscles have a unique combination of properties that materials researchers seek for their own…

With abdominal etching, plastic surgeons help patients get 'six-pack abs'

Even with a good diet and workout routine, some men and women have trouble getting the…

No increase in complications with 'tummy tuck' in obese patients

‘Tummy tuck’ surgery (abdominoplasty) can be safely performed in obese patients, with no increase in complications…

Defying the laws of physics? Engineers demonstrate bubbles of sand

A recent discovery explains a new family of gravitational instabilities in granular particles of different densities…

Protecting damaged hearts with microRNAs

Once the heart is formed, its muscle cells have very limited ability to regenerate. After a…

New genomics tool ECCITE-seq expands multimodal single cell analysis

ECCITE-seq (Expanded CRISPR-compatible Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by sequencing) allows researchers to perform high-throughput…

A deep learning tool for personalized workout recommendations from fitness tracking data

Computer scientists have developed FitRec, a recommendation tool powered by deep learning, that is able to…

Climate change has worsened global economic inequality

A new Stanford University study shows global warming has increased economic inequality since the 1960s. Temperature…