SpaceStationSim ISS Simulator game

The Space Foundation announced today that it has officially recognized the SpaceStationSim ™ video game from…

Hubble sees faintest stars in a globular cluster

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered what astronomers are reporting as the dimmest stars ever seen…

Embry-Riddle Partners to Expand Space Research and Technology

Three Florida universities have signed an agreement to cooperate on space research and technology programs, including…

Perfect Launch

Picture by Editor Arthur J. Byrnes

LAUNCH !!!!!!

Perfect launch! Check back later for pictures! More Later!

Launch day 3 report #2

The experts are telling us that the chances of launch are now at 80%, which is…

Launch day 3 report #1

Here we are again. Editor Arthur J. Byrnes, on site at Kennedy Space Center Everything is…

Launch day 2 report #1

Hello, this is Editor Arthur J. Byrnes, we are here again at Kennedy Space Center…

Launch Scrubbed

The Discovery Launch has been scrubed for today. This is the last report for today. bye

Launch email question

An email question says, “I am watching launch coverage on TV, and the sky looks blue…