Ice-proof coating for big structures relies on a 'beautiful demonstration of mechanics'

A new class of coatings that sheds ice effortlessly from even large surfaces has moved researchers…

33-year study shows increasing ocean winds and wave heights

Extreme ocean winds and wave heights are increasing around the globe, with the largest rise occurring…

Natural landscapes? Scientists call for a paradigm shift in restoration projects

Regardless of whether we are dealing with a floodplain landscape or an entire national park, the…

It's OK to indulge once in a while, study suggests: The body adapts to occasional short-term overeating

Overeating has been found to impair blood sugar (glucose) control and insulin levels. A new study…

Dentists can be the first line of defense against domestic violence

New findings indicate that oral biomarkers may help health providers identify victims of domestic violence. Click…

Two birds, one stone: Drug combo may prove effective against second type of leukemia

Researchers tested to see if arsenic trioxide (ATO) was effective in combination with all-trans retinoic acid…

Here we go again: Earth's major 'mass extinctions'

Most scientists agree that a “mass extinction” event is underway on Earth, with species disappearing hundreds…

Human-caused climate change played limited role in Beijing's 2013 'airpocalypse'

In January 2013, a suffocating, poisonous haze hung over Beijing for four days. The record high…

Next-generation NASA instrument advanced to study the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune

Much has changed technologically since NASA’s Galileo mission dropped a probe into Jupiter’s atmosphere to investigate,…

Urging party supporters to sign up for postal votes is ineffective

Research carried out by the University of Kent and Kings College London (KCL) into a common…