launch day report 5

The crew is now seated and strapped in, performing communications checks. launch conditions still look good.…

launch day report 4

Well, they are a little worried about the weather at the moment, there is lightining about…

launch day report 3

I am here in the press conference room at KSC chatting with David Wedpohl from the…

launch day report 2

Everything here still seems to be go. There is a report that there is a small…

Launch Day at KSC

Hello, this is SpaceWeekly editor Arthur J. Byrnes. Thanks to Nortel, we have wireless network here…

Russian ROV

The Russian Navy is setting up a rapid response, air transportable rescue system which can be…

Aviation Patterns

A new forecast issued by EUROCONTROL highlights the need for policy-makers to plan for substantial increases…

Skyquest Displays

Skyquest Aviation, the UK manufacturer of specialist airborne surveillance equipment, announced that the UK’s Metropolitan Police…

RTS 6400 Optronics Radar

RRS has developed, manufactured and qualified a new generation Naval Optronics Radar Tracker, currently aboard the…

Tri-Cor Industries Adopts INMEDIUS S1000D

Technical Documentation Production Software to Support NASA, Military, Commercial IT Projects. Inmedius announced the purchase of…