If We Want To Find Life-Supporting Worlds, We Should Focus on Small Planets With Large Moons

There’s no perfect way of doing anything, including searching for exoplanets. Every planet-hunting method has some…

The Earliest Merging Quasars Ever Seen

Studying the history of science shows how often serendipity plays a role in some of the…

Hubble’s Back, but Only Using One Gyro

The Hubble Space Telescope has experienced ongoing problems with one of its three remaining gyroscopes, so…

Earth’s Atmosphere is Our Best Defence Against Nearby Supernovae

Earth’s protective atmosphere has sheltered life for billions of years, creating a haven where evolution produced…

There’s Chang’e-6 on the Far Side of the Moon

The newest phase of China’s lunar exploration project is soon coming to an end. On June…

A New Way to Survive the Harsh Lunar Night

The Moon is a tough place to survive, and not just for humans. The wild temperature…

Baby Stars are Swarming Around the Galactic Center

The vicinity of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s center,…

The Great Red Spot Probably Formed in the Early 1800s

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (GRS) is one of the Solar System’s defining features. It’s a massive…

A New Way to Prove if Primordial Black Holes Contribute to Dark Matter

The early Universe was a strange place. Early in its history—in the first quintillionth of a…

Almost a Third of Early Galaxies Were Already Spirals

In the years before the JWST’s launch, astronomers’ efforts to understand the early Universe were stymied…