Home ownership leads to less happiness than expected, study finds

We aren’t very good at predicting what will make us happy, according to a new study.…

Pandemic did not weaken student trust in higher education overall

Despite major COVID-19 disruptions, a survey study involving more than 8,300 students at 29 colleges and…

NASA's InSight Mars lander may shut down soon. Here's what it's achieved so far

NASA’s InSight probe landed on Mars in 2018 to help scientists study the planet’s interior. But…

Heart medication shows potential as treatment for alcohol use disorder

A medication for heart problems and high blood pressure may also be effective for treating alcohol…

New software platform advances understanding of the surface finish of manufactured components

The contact.engineering platform enables users to create a digital twin of a surface and thus to…

Researchers create new magnetic quasiparticle

A new type of magnetic quasiparticle has been created by coupling light to a stack of…

Scientist helps identify new evidence for habitability in Enceladus's ocean

The search for extraterrestrial life just got more interesting as a team of scientists has discovered…

Heated plot experiments reveal link between warmer early winters and lower crop yields

Innovative experiments using temperature-controlled field plots have helped to explain the link between early winter temperatures…

Machine learning generates 3D model from 2D pictures

A neural field network can create a continuous 3D model from a limited number of 2D…

New clues into how the circadian clock helps the brain recover after injury

A type of brain cell that can renew itself is regulated by circadian rhythms, providing significant…