Moss repair team also works in humans

If everything is to run smoothly in living cells, the genetic information must be correct. But…

Undergrad publishes theory on immune dysfunction in space

It’s been known for decades that astronauts’ immune systems become suppressed in space, leaving them vulnerable…

Endangered mouse study shares no-contact sampling method

Collecting genetic samples for small mammals can be tricky, but scientists found a noninvasive way to…

Facemask can detect viral exposure from a 10-minute conversation with an infected person

Scientists have created a face mask that can detect common respiratory viruses, including influenza and the…

Stopping aspirin when on a blood thinner lowers risk of bleeding, study finds

When patients who are on a commonly prescribed blood thinner stop taking aspirin, their risk of…

Hey suburbanites, meet the neighbors. . .tick-carrying white-tailed deer

A new five-year study found that deer in suburban environments often bed down and spend the…

Scientists imbue cells with pathway to make own drugs

Chemists find a rare genetic pathway that helps mammalian cells become drug factories or sensors by…

Aerobic exercise training promising for restoring function in individuals with multiple sclerosis-related thalamic atrophy

New findings support the need to develop randomized controlled trials of aerobic exercise training in the…

Exercise may be key to developing treatments for rare movement disorder

Spinal cerebellar ataxia 6 (SCA6) is an inherited neurological condition which has a debilitating impact on…

How stressed tumor cells escape cell death: New mechanism discovered

Because of their highly active metabolism, many tumors are susceptible to a special type of cell…