Development defect in macrophages causes lung disease

New discovery on the causes of PAP lung disease can also offer solutions for treating obesity…

Astro­physics: Star-child­hood shapes stel­lar evo­lu­tion

In classical models of stellar evolution, so far little importance has been attached to the early…

Cilia in 3D: Miniature train station discovered

Cilia are small hair-like organelles that extend from cells and perform many functions, including motility and…

Scientists identify key biomarkers that reliably predict response to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy for melanoma

Currently, the only FDA approved biomarker for ICI melanoma treatment is the tumor mutation burden assay,…

Climate change from the ground up: Researchers explore sea level rise impact on building foundations

Researchers have considered how flooding from rising sea levels and storm surges will damage the built…

Algorithm sheds new light on ICU patients' consciousness

Researchers have developed a new algorithm that can accurately track a patient’s level of consciousness, easing…

Pythons are true choke artists

Biologists have found that it’s not just the size of its head and body that puts…

NASA's Perseverance rover investigates geologically rich Mars terrain

NASA’s Perseverance rover is well into its second science campaign, collecting rock-core samples from features within…

Novel analysis shows the experience of reward increases connectivity between the default mode network and other brain regions

In line with other studies, during the reward-processing task, researchers observed decreased activation of the default…

Even smartest AI models don't match human visual processing

Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) don’t see objects the way humans do — using configural shape…