Soybean virus may give plant-munching bugs a boost in survival

Most viral infections negatively affect an organism’s health, but one plant virus in particular — soybean…

Researchers develop painless tattoos that can be self-administered

Researchers have developed low-cost, painless, and bloodless tattoos that can be self-administered and have many applications,…

Dense liquid droplets act as cellular computers

A new study describes the rules by which physical force on cells affects squishy biocomputers inside,…

Pioneering research using bacteria brings scientists a step closer to creating artificial cells with lifelike functionality

Scientists have harnessed the potential of bacteria to help build advanced synthetic cells which mimic real…

It's a planet: New evidence of baby planet in the making

Astronomers have developed a new technique to identify small planets hidden in protoplanetary disks. …

Genomics study identifies unique set of proteins that restores hearing in zebrafish

Researchers have discovered a specific network of proteins that is necessary to restore hearing in zebrafish…

Crops grown together 'cooperate' better in just two generations

Crops bred to thrive in single-crop settings begin adapting to growing in multispecies environments over just…

New method for comparing neural networks exposes how artificial intelligence works

A team has developed a novel approach for comparing neural networks that looks within the ‘black…

Moral illusions may alter our behavior

Just as optical illusions can fool the eye to present a distorted image of reality, moral…

Technique developed in mice could aid detection of cancer in dense breasts

A two-pronged approach to imaging breast density in mice resulted in better detection of changes in…