Frequency of premenstrual anxiety, mood swings a public health issue, study finds

Premenstrual mood swings and anxiety are so common — experienced by more than 64% of women…

Climate anxiety an important driver for climate action

A new study finds that whilst climate anxiety is low amongst the UK public, it may…

Stem cell-gene therapy shows promise in ALS safety trial

Investigators have developed an investigational therapy using support cells and a protective protein that can be…

Faster in the Past: New seafloor images of West Antarctic Ice Sheet upend understanding of Thwaites Glacier retreat

This massive ice stream is already in a phase of fast retreat; a total loss of…

Scientists develop new method to faster — and more accurately — find antigens that trigger specific immune cells

A new approach, which mimics the physical forces exerted by immune cells as they crawl over…

Bronchodilators don't improve smoking-related respiratory symptoms in people without COPD

Researchers have found that dual bronchodilators — long-lasting inhalers that relax the airways and make it…

Simple measures can go a long way to combating air pollution in schools

Most UK primary schools experience levels of pollution which exceed the safe levels set out by…

Can 'random noise' unlock our learning potential?

Though many of us may seek a quiet place in which to study, ‘noise’ may play…

Scientists study tourists to protect great apes

Researchers are protecting great apes from diseases by studying the behavior and expectations of tourists who…

A novel approach to creating tailored odors and fragrances using machine learning

Can we use machine learning methods to predict the sensing data of odor mixtures and design…