Making stable molecules reactive with light

Researchers have used computer simulations to show that stable aromatic molecules can become reactive after absorbing…

NASA's Webb takes its first-ever direct image of distant world

Astronomers have used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to take a direct image of a planet…

Circadian rhythm disruption found to be common among mental health disorders

Scientists hypothesize that circadian rhythm disruption is a psychopathology factor shared by a broad range of…

Variation matters: Genetic effects in interacting species jointly determine ecological outcomes

The greatest diversity of life is not counted in the number of species, says an evolutionary…

A near-death experience worsens some cancer cells

Scientists have discovered how some cancer cells survive treatment and cause cancer to recur, along with…

New approach predicts disease transmission among wildlife and humans

A new methodology predicts disease transmission from wildlife to humans, from one wildlife species to another…

People generate their own oxidation field and change the indoor air chemistry around them

High levels of hydroxyl radicals (OH) can be generated indoors, simply due to the presence of…

Full 3-D view of binary star-planet system

Astronomers using the VLBA have produced a full, 3-D view of a binary star system with…

How 'prediction markets' could improve climate risk policies and investment decisions

A market-led approach could be key to guiding policy, research and business decisions about future climate…

Astronomers show how terrain evolves on icy comets

With an eye toward a possible return mission years in the future, Cornell University astronomers have…