New options for health, environmental monitoring with water-resistant gas sensor

Accurate, continuous monitoring of nitrogen dioxide and other gases in humid environments is now possible, thanks…

E. coli engineered from stool samples can survive the hostile gut environment long enough to treat disease

Scientists have long tried to introduce genetically engineered bacteria into the gut to treat diseases. In…

Sterile mice produce rat sperm

Researchers generated rat sperm cells inside sterile mice using a technique called blastocyst complementation. …

Speeding up evolution at genome-level by alternative chromosome configuration

A research team has uncovered the profound effects of an atypical mode of chromosome arrangement on…

A new therapeutic drug for Alzheimer's disease without inflammatory side effects

Although Aduhelm, a monoclonal antibody targeting amyloid beta (A?), recently became the first US FDA approved…

Potential target for treatment among patients with type 2 diabetes

In a potential game changer for patients with type 2 diabetes, a team of researchers has…

New chip-based beam steering device lays groundwork for smaller, cheaper lidar

Researchers have developed a new chip-based beam steering technology that provides a promising route to small,…

Monoclonal antibody prevents malaria in US adults: Study

One injection of a candidate monoclonal antibody (mAb) known as L9LS was found to be safe…

Vegans who lift weights may have stronger bones than other people on a plant-based diet

People on a plant-based diet who do strength training as opposed to other forms of exercise…

Scientists engineer probiotic to prevent infection of large intestine

Scientists have created a probiotic to restore bile salt metabolism found in the gastrointestinal tract, to…