Why are some birds more intelligent than others?

If you’ve ever seen a grackle steal your dog pellets or a starling peck open a…

Dynamic travel restrictions can prevent rapid dispersion of new COVID-19 variants

A study of COVID-19 variant transmission into and across Canada shows that international travel restrictions were…

The bacteria powering a truly green revolution in personal electronics

Researchers recently announced that they have figured out how to engineer a biofilm that harvests the…

Global forest area per capita has decreased by over 60 percent, study finds

Over the past 60 years, the global forest area has declined by 81.7 million hectares, a…

New national guidelines aim to prevent obesity in midlife women

Women between 40 and 60 years old are the focus of new national guidelines aimed at…

Why breast-fed premature infants have a healthier gut than formula-fed ones

New research found it is not just the content of breastmilk that makes the difference. It…

Gene therapy approach shows promise in treating ALS

Researchers report that a gene therapy approach, developed measurably delayed disease onset in humanized mouse and…

Affordable and sustainable alternative to lithium-ion batteries proposed

Concerns regarding scarcity, high prices, and safety regarding the long-term use of lithium-ion batteries has prompted…

Computer modelling aims to inform restoration, conservation of coral reefs

A research team has created a computer modelling program to help scientists predict the effect of…

Optical imaging of dynamic interactions between molecules in a cell

Researchers develop the ‘photoswitching fingerprint analysis’. A unique technology that for the first time allows the…